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Our Services

BLASERT FORCE 568 is committed to making the world a better and safer place in every way. We are a non-government organization that is passionate about promoting peace and order everywhere we can. We are known for our work in anti-illegal activities and anti-crime, as well as our efforts to protect the environment and wildlife. We take quick measures in case of natural disasters for emergency responses. Our aim is to create a peaceful and safe world for present and future generations. Join us today in our mission to create a better world.

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Peace & Order - Building Communities Together

At Blasert Force 568 we are dedicated to maintaining peace and order in the community. Our team, working with the various organizations, provides a variety of services including traffic and law enforcement, crowd control, patrol duties, and escorts. We understand the importance of public safety and our services are designed to meet the unique needs of each community we serve.

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Fighting Drugs, Graft & Corruption Together

Our team at Blasert Force 568 is dedicated to the fight against illegal drugs, mining, logging, quarrying, fishing, gambling, and poaching. Through our work to promote transparency and good governance, we believe that we can make a difference. Join us in the battle against graft and corruption, and help us create a brighter future for generations to come.

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Join Us in Preserving & Protecting the Environment

Blasert Force 568 is a non-governmental organization that fights against illegal logging, poaching, mining, and other crimes against nature. We provide a variety of services that are designed to protect the environment and to ensure that land is used in a sustainable and legal way. Our team is dedicated to making a real difference, and we work hard to make sure that our actions have a positive impact on the world.


Fighting Crime Together - Join our Cause

Illegal activities can cause irreparable damage to our planet and our society. Our organization is dedicated to putting an end to these criminal acts, including illegal logging, mining, gambling, and fishing, and more. By working with us, you become part of a movement that aims to make our world a safer, cleaner, and healthier place to live in. Join us today and make a difference!


Supporting members through Livelihood Development Programs

Our Agricultural Livelihood & Financing Programs are creating sustainable livelihoods for communities through comprehensive agricultural solutions. Our range of programs includes swine raising, poultry raising, aquatic & fisheries, tree planting, and mushroom growing, among others. Our financing programs aim to help individuals and groups achieve economic security through agricultural enterprise. Join us in our mission to help communities achieve self-sufficiency.

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Disaster Management & Emergency Responses - Building Resilient Communities

At Blasert Force 568, we strive to assist government agencies to provide timely and effective disaster management, emergency response, risk mitigation, and relief goods & aid distribution. Our team of experts is trained to provide logistical support and assistance to the affected regions. With our assistance, the government can reduce the impact of disasters and ensure security for all citizens.

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